VizSEC 2007 Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security

VizSEC 2007 Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security
To be held between October 28 and November 1, 2007 in Sacramento, CA

The VizSEC 2007 Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security will provide a forum for new research in visualization for computer security. Building on the success of the previous three VizSEC workshops, we will again be meeting in conjunction with the IEEE Vis and InfoVis Conferences. The workshop will be held in Sacramento, CA USA between October 28 and November 1, 2007. The exact date of the workshop is still to be determined by the Conference committee; please check the web site for further details.

Reasearchers and practitioners from academia and industry are encouraged to submit papers and attend the event. We are looking for diversity and are particularly hoping that practitioners who have experience designing and using visualization in the field will consider joining us. Please see the web site for further details: