Hi, I am a Phd candidate in Informatics Institude at Middle East Technical University. I prepared an online survey as a part of my phd thesis. However, since this subject is relatively new I can not find anybody who may fill this survey around me in Turkey.
The survey is in Google Forms, at link https://goo.gl/forms/xbfmrqJ4jxA4rvQ53. It is not very short :( It may take around 20 minutes but it is easy to fill, mostly composed of multi selection questions. Uncompleted survey results are not saved so the participants should complete the survey.
Although we ask questions related to security systems and security visualization systems used to understand the visualization requirements.The survey, in general, does not include questions that give personal discomfort. No tracking information such as email or organization name is asked during the survey. More descriptive information about how the survey results will be used exists in the starting page. So, please do not hesitate to fill, due to your privacy concerns.
I hope experts of this forum may help me by filling the survey during a coffee break. I need to take feedback soon, before my next thesis committee. I appreciate your help to a newbie security visualization researcher (me) :)
Many thanks,
Ferda Özdemir Sönmez